The earliest archaeological evidence for the consumption of algae found thus far was discovered in ancient middens along the coast of Peru. Kelp was found in middens at Pampa, dated to circa 2500B.C…
In Africa, another species of cyoanbacteriium, Spirulina platensis, grows abundantly in Lake Chad and is collected, dried, and made into sauce.
It is widely consumed by the Kanembu people…In China, the earliest reference to algae as food occurs in the Book of Poetry (800-600B.C)…
The Greeks and Romans apparently disliked algae and, seemingly, made no use of them as human food, although they were used as emergency food for livestock…
The seaweed Rhyodymenia palmata was eaten in Iceland as early as A.D. 960, according to the Egil Saga…
In Japan, the eating of algae is also an ancient practice. Seaweed was apparently eaten by the early inhabitants of Japan, as it had been found with shells and fish bones at human sites in the Jomon period (10,500-300 B.C.) and
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In Africa, another species of cyoanbacteriium, Spirulina platensis, grows abundantly in Lake Chad and is collected, dried, and made into sauce.
It is widely consumed by the Kanembu people…In China, the earliest reference to algae as food occurs in the Book of Poetry (800-600B.C)…
The Greeks and Romans apparently disliked algae and, seemingly, made no use of them as human food, although they were used as emergency food for livestock…
The seaweed Rhyodymenia palmata was eaten in Iceland as early as A.D. 960, according to the Egil Saga…
In Japan, the eating of algae is also an ancient practice. Seaweed was apparently eaten by the early inhabitants of Japan, as it had been found with shells and fish bones at human sites in the Jomon period (10,500-300 B.C.) and
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OCEANUS - ocean algae organic draining body cream
Reviewed by Polisemantica
giovedì, febbraio 26, 2015

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